An extraordinary meeting of the Parish Council has been called for Tuesday, 30th March at 7.30pm.
The meeting has been called to allow Councillors to review the following planning applications:
DC/21/01541 – EIA Scoping opinion: 6no. poultry houses, associated admin blocks, feed bins & ancillary equipment. Land adjacent to Fennings Farm, Pixey Green
DC/21/01507 – Erection of 3 bay garage and outbuilding. Quince Cottage, Battlesea Green, IP21 5NE
DC/21/01461 – Change of use & conversion of barn buildings (B2 use) to 2no. dwellings and landscaping. Creation of new vehicular access route with amended highways access to serve existing business use to north & east of site. Demotion of existing barn structures. Red House, Pixey Green IP21 5NJ
DC/20/05917 – Reconsultation on Land to the South of New Street – additional documents have been submitted.
Full details on all the applications can be viewed on Mid Suffolk's website at:
The meeting will be live streamed on the Parish Council's Facebook page and details of how to join or watch the meeting can be found at: