Parish Council

About the Parish Council
Every four years a Parish Election takes place and the residents of Stradbroke have the opportunity to elect 13 people, from those nominated for election, to serve on Stradbroke Parish Council. Details of your current Councillors can be found in the YOUR COUNCILLORS section. information is available on Powers and Duties of Parish Councils. All Councillors agree to be bound by the Councillor Code of Conduct.
Meetings of the Parish Council are held on the 2nd Monday of every month at the Court House and generally start at 7.30pm. Additional meetings (extraordinary meetings) may be called to consider planning applications or other matters requiring an urgent response before the next scheduled meeting. Papers for every meeting can be found on the MEETINGS page. Sometime matters have to be discussed in closed session in accordance with guidelines that the Parish Council works to. *
The Annual Meeting of the Parish Council is held in May. The Chairman and other officers of the Council are elected annually at this meeting.
The Annual Parish Meeting, a meeting of the electors of the Parish rather than a Parish Council meeting, will be held between 1 April and 1 June inclusive each year. Annual Parish Meeting minutes and reports can be found on the MEETINGS page.
Stradbroke Parish Council’s annual accounts and policies can be found on the STATUTORY INFORMATION page.
The Parish Council are responsible for managing and maintaining the cemetery on Laxfield Road. Please contact the Clerk to make enquiries about the cemetery, using the CONTACT THE PARISH COUNCIL page.
If you cannot find what you are looking for on these pages, please contact the Parish Clerk.
If you have a matter you would like to raise with Stradbroke Parish Council, please use the CONTACT THE PARISH COUNCIL page.
Information about the cemetery concerning can be found on the STRADBROKE CEMETERY page.
* Exclusion of Press and Public - Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960.