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Climate Emergency Declaration

IPCC report and context

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released a special report in October 2018 on the subject of ‘Global Warming of 1.5°C’. It found:

  • Human activity has already caused 1°C of warming to the earth.

  • To limit warming to 1.5°C it will be necessary to halve global carbon emissions by 2030 and to achieve net zero emissions (carbon neutrality) by 2050. Scientists now agree that this report seriously underestimated global CO2 emissions, the rate and extent of Arctic meltdown and feedback effects such as ocean acidification and tundra emissions of methane.


Over three-quarters of UK county councils, including Suffolk, and the National Association of Local Councils have declared a climate emergency to be carbon neutral by 2030. Stradbroke Parish Council, in following their example to declare a climate emergency, is taking leadership to encourage others in these steps towards climate change adaptation and mitigation.


Stradbroke can play an important part in Mid Suffolk in leading the way towards reducing global carbon emissions and providing a more sustainable and healthy natural and human environment to encourage biodiversity. Nature is severely threatened by climate change, causing drought and extreme, unpredictable weather conditions. It is altering natural cycles too quickly for wildlife to cope. By our leadership we can encourage other villages and towns to provide a network of sustainability across Mid Suffolk to mitigate effects.


By declaring a climate emergency: Stradbroke acknowledges the urgency for global society to reduce carbon emissions and foster our well-being.


We recognise the part which we have to play and commit to taking an active role in achieving this, by, for example:

  • Pro-actively reducing our CO2 emissions as an organisation and encouraging others to do the same.

  • Employing explicit climate change considerations in Stradbroke Parish Council planning, decision-making, recommendations and activities.

  • Empowering our community. Stradbroke is rich in energetic, pro-active individuals, groups, organisations and businesses. We will be seeking ideas from them, raising awareness, supporting and sharing vision and direction to decrease our village’s carbon emissions and improve our village resilience to climate change, (such as protecting and encouraging biodiversity and combating threats to plant and wildlife).


Our emphasis will be on a healthier life for us all and particularly the children of today for their tomorrow.

  • Seeking ideas and support from and working with organisations and communities outside Stradbroke, such as the Mid Suffolk Council, Suffolk Association of Local Councils (SALC), Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, The Woodland Trust, etc.


Some ideas for Stradbroke:

  • More tree planting

  • Rewilding open spaces and roadsides, etc cutting costs

  • Gardening for wildlife and biodiversity

  • Leading in and encouraging sustainable maintenance practices and materials

  • Increasing recycling

  • Changing to renewable electricity for parish council assets

  • Installing solar panels on parish council assets

  • Replacing bulbs with LEDs, reducing bills

  • Installing EV charging points and encouraging EV use

  • Encouraging more cycling and walking opportunities for healthier living

  • Leading the next generations towards a cleaner, safer future


In addition to our Stradbroke Parish Council site, we are developing a Facebook page on Stradbroke Community website.


We are looking forward to Radio Stradbroke and Stradbroke Monthly publicising our work, resources and useful links, etc.  We will set up a task force of parish councillors and volunteers to plan strategies and ideas, audit sustainable practices, monitor and review. The most important things are commitment and action.

The Seven Principles of Public Life

Selflessness / Integrity / Objectivity / Accountability / Openness / Honesty / Leadership


Civility and Respect
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Parish Council

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Stradbroke, Suffolk, UK

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Mobile: 07555 066147 




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