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The Parish Pump - April 2017

The Clerk


10th & 20th April 2017

Planning Applications discussed:

1000/17 – demolition of existing outbuilding and erection of single storey dwelling. Land at Street Farm, Laxfield Road: this application was refused by majority vote.

1078/17 & 1079/17 – internal & external alterations to building. External alterations to outbuilding. Tudor Farm Barn, Battlesea Green. Supported by majority vote.

1283/17 – Listed building consent. Remove and replace 2 windows. Tudor Farm, Battlesea Green. Supported unanimously

1292/17 – repairs and alterations to dwelling. Glenmore, Queen’s Street IP21 5HG. Supported by majority vote.

Other planning matters:

0480/17 - Queens Head Cottage IP21 5HG – granted 20/3/17

0492/17 Chestnut House, Wilby Road IP21 5HP – no update.

0600/17 Scotts Pine, Wilby Road IP21 5JN – granted 10/4/17.

0533/17 2 Battlesea Green Close, IP21 5JN – no update.

Councillors will contact the owners of the garage site on Queens Street and ask if they could tidy the site.

The Neighbourhood Plan committee are looking into the new sites submitted to MSDC.

An update of progress to date was given to Councillors at the 20th April meeting and will be shared with residents at the Annual Parish Meeting on 27th April.

Parish Council Updates:

  • A lease between the Stradbroke Sports and Community Centre and the Parish Council was signed for use of the land where the play park is situated.

  • Ellie Wharton reported that the final grant application has been approved and the Parish Council voted to purchase all the new play equipment for both play parks.

  • The 2nd noticeboard will be adapted and placed at the Community Centre.

  • A letter was received concerning the Medical Centre. Councillors confirmed that the broken fence was the responsibility of the Trust to repair. Other correspondence is ongoing.

  • Councillors voted to leave the dog litter bin at the Community Centre and purchase a new one for the footpath near the pedestrian entrance to the High School. A new barrow for Trevor was also approved.

  • The Neighbourhood Plan committee are applying for further grants to finance the completion of the plan.

  • Councillors thanked Jim Baker and Nick Stones for their work to fix the broken gatepost at the Cemetery. Work on the gatepost at the Church will commence shortly.

  • Councillors voted to set up a Parish Council website, the Clerk will work on this and report back at the May meeting.

Cllr Flatman:

  • Cllr Flatman congratulated Ellie Wharton on the successful fundraising for the new play equipment.

  • MSDC are considering holding meetings in the community. Stradbroke is being considered as a possible location.

  • Maureen John raised concerns that some customers at the Post Office are being prevented from using the debit cards when paying for council services. Cllr Flatman will look into this and report back.

Parish Council drop in clinic

The council drop in clinics will run on the Tuesday in the week following a Parish Council meeting.

The next clinic will be: Tuesday, 16th May at 2.15pm in the Library.

Members of the public and press are very welcome to attend meetings of the Parish Council and to bring matters of concern or information to the attention to Members in the time allocated to the Public Forum.

Dog owners are requested to clean up after their pets and only use the bins designated for dog waste.

Do not to use the litter bins when disposing of dog waste. If the designated bins are full, please take your bags home.

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