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  • The Clerk

Statement by Stradbroke Parish Council

Recently an anonymous letter was distributed to households in Stradbroke. The usual practice of the Parish Council is not to respond to anonymous correspondence. However, since the authors of the letter are now known, and the Parish Council feel there are a number of misleading statements in the letter, the Parish Council would like to make the following response:

  1. There were various reasons for Councillors’ resignations and, as much as Data Protection legislation would allow, these were discussed at the Annual Parish meeting held on 26th April.

  2. The Parish Council supported the transfer of the lease for the Doctors’ Surgery, as it stands, to the new Stradbroke Trust. Solicitors need to be involved as the licence required is a legally binding document to secure the future of the Doctors’ Surgery. It is hoped that the Trustees understand that any changes to the licence will increase the legal costs. The Parish Council will always seek to put the interests of Stradbroke first.

  3. The Parish Council noted the offer from the Community Centre Committee to manage the Community Store, but sadly the current licence is not legally transferable. Councillors have always acknowledged the contribution of £10,000 towards the play park improvements.

  4. The Parish Council had hoped to submit the Neighbourhood Plan to Mid Suffolk at the end of March this year; however Mid Suffolk advised a further detailed assessment was required. This led to a short delay of 3 weeks. The plan has now been submitted to Mid Suffolk for the next consultation stage.

  5. The Parish Council have recently decided to introduce a protocol for members of the public speaking during Council meetings so that everyone has the opportunity to have their voices heard, in a non-threatening environment that is free from personal attacks.

All Parish Council decisions are made democratically and recorded in the minutes which are available to view on the Parish Council website.The Clerk’s most important duty is to advise the Parish Council on making lawful decisions and policy. All Councillors fully support their Clerk and expect anybody dealing with Parish Council employees to do so in a dignified and respectful manner.

Stradbroke Parish Council 1st May 2018

Mill Hill House, Church Lane, Wickham Skeith, Suffolk IP23 8NA

email: tel: 07555 066147

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