The Annual Parish Meeting will take place on 28th April 2022, starting at 7.30pm in the Community Centre.
The Annual Parish Meeting is not a meeting of the parish council. It is a meeting of the electors of the parish and should take place between 1st March and 1st June each year and is chaired by the Chair of the Parish Council if they are present. The Annual Parish Meeting is an opportunity for local clubs, charities and organisations to report to the parishioners on their activities throughout the year and for the Parish Council Chairman, the County Councillor, the District Councillor and the local Police to offer their reports.
The meeting should also give the electors of the parish an opportunity to raise issues of importance to them. Decisions made by the meeting are not binding on the parish council but good practice suggests they should be given consideration at the next parish council meeting.
The agenda for the meeting and minutes from previous meetings can be found at: