The next full council meeting will take place on Monday, 11th January at 7.30pm. Details of how to join or watch the meeting can be found on the agenda which can be viewed by following the link below.
The following planning matters will be discussed at the meeting:
DC/20/05917: submission of details (reserved matters) for outline planning permission DC/19/00022. Appearance, scale, layout and landscaping to be considered for the erection of up to 60no. dwellings and construction of access to New Street.
Land to the South of, New Street.
DC/20/05715: Conversion of & extension to barn to form 1no. detached dwelling including alterations to improve access splay onto Laxfield Road. Barley Green Farm, Laxfield Road IP21 5JT
DC/20/05716: listed building consent for above Barley Green Farm application.
DC/20/05796: Notification for prior approval for a proposed change of use of agricultural buildings to a dwelling house (Class C3) & for associated operational development Town & Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 2015, sch2. Part 3, Class Q – conversion of agricultural buildings to 4no. dwellings.
Buildings at Lime Tree Farm, Laxfield Road IP21 5JX
DC/20/05718: Erection of first floor side extension. Extension to garage (following part demolition of existing) 7 Bishops Ways, IP21 5JR
DC/20/05851: Erection of first floor side extension over garage and single storey side extension. 11 Bishops Way, IP21 5JR
DC/20/05694: Prior approval – erection of storage building for crops & machinery. Wretts Farm, Kersley Hall Lane IP21 5LA
Link to documents page where the agenda and papers are published: